At our Oakwood II site, we have 2 different types of apartment rentals to offer. We have income based apartments and conventional apartments to rent.
There are 1 & 2 bedroom apartments in the conventional building for rent. There is an onsite laundry facility in the community room on the property. 1 bedrooms rent for $410 and $480.00 for 2 bedrooms. All utilities are included in the rent. Apartments are very spacious and have updated decor.
The income based apartments at Oakwood II have 2 bedroom apartments available. Apartments are ground level and step free. All apartments have cable television, walk-in storage, air conditioning and individually controlled heat. There is also a community room and on-site laundry facility. Rent is 30% of the household's gross income and there are deductions for out-of-pocket medical expenses for any person 62 years of age, disabled or handicapped. Heat, water, electricity, sewer and garbage are all included in the rent.
There will be no need to worry about lawn care, maintenance or snow removal at either of the sites because all of that is taken care of for you.